4 Best Strength Training Exercises

Strength training exercises offer many benefits including muscle building, high calorie burn, stronger bones and joints, and better endurance.

4 basic yet, best strength training exercises are:


Squats don't just help you achieve wonderful, toned legs; they promote muscle building by creating an anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body. They work up your quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abdominal muscles, lower back and your butt too.

Squats exercise for fitness


Pushups exercise for fitness

Knee pushups for fitness

Traditional push-ups help in building upper body strength. They work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. When done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles. Pushups are a fast and effective exercise for building strength. If you find it difficult to do the traditional pushups, you can start with knee pushups.


Plank exercise for fitness

Since planks work your core, that means they work basically the whole body, from your pelvic girdle to your shoulder girdle as well as your legs. The plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength.


Deadlifts for fitness
Deadlifts correct posture for fitness

The deadlift move uses a lot of muscles in the lower body, including the hamstrings and the glutes. Your quads also get activated as you extend your knees and lift up the weight. It works your traps, along with your lower, middle, and upper-back muscles.

Strength training is effective in increasing bone density and strengthening tendons and ligaments. On the whole, strength training just makes you stronger and fitter!


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