Tips for Weight Loss

10 easy-to-follow Weight Loss tips

The basic concept behind losing weight is this: If energy expenditure > energy intake, there is a calorie deficit and you lose weight! Whether you realize it or not, if you find yourself losing weight, you are on a calorie deficit. 

So now, I shall share with you guys, 10 tips to lose weight almost effortlessly!

1. Drink lots of water

Drinking water for fitness

You must drink at least about 3 litres of water a day. Especially if you're working out, you need to hydrate yourself more. 
We all wake up on some days feeling really fat or bloated. Well, don't worry guys! It's probably just water retention. Yes. To flush out this excess water, you need to hydrate yourself adequately. 

2.  Sleep well

Sleeping well for fitness

There is a misconception that if you don't sleep much, you're more active and hence, you lose more weight. This is not true y'all. 
If you don't sleep enough, your body is going to produce the stress hormone Cortisol, which is associated with weight gain. Lack of good sleep will also affect your energy levels resulting in poor workouts as well. 

Most importantly, do you want to know when all those workouts you push yourself to do actually work on your body to burn the excess fat? That's right. When you're asleep. 

Sleeping well also regulates two other hormones- Leptin and Ghrelin. While Leptin regulates our energy levels, Ghrelin is the hunger hormone. So if you don't seep enough, your body is going to produce of these hormones making you feel more hungry and tired at the same time. 

Phew! Clearly not getting enough sleep must be the root cause of all our problems. So please don't hesitate to get the 7-9 hours of beauty sleep everyday, you guys!

3. Eat lots of Nutrient-rich Veggies

Eating vegetables for fitness

Vegetables are very important. Different varieties of vegetables are going to give you different nutrients like Vitamins A and B that are really good for your skin, magnesium that is good for muscle recovery, Vitamin C, Potassium, etc. 
Vegetables are also high in fiber giving you the volume and it takes longer to digest making you feel full for a longer time on minimal calories. 
Include vegetables like Kale, Zucchini, Sweet potatoes, Broccholi, Spinach, etc. 

4. Don't eat out too much

Food from the restaurants are usually quite high in sodium which makes you eaat more and drink more as well causing you too bloat up and feel fat. The portions are normally bigger and we don't waste food, do we?

5.  Avoid eating too much of Processed food

Processed food

Processed food includes all sorts of packaged food like potato chips, packaged sauces, fried food etc. 
Again, most of them are high in sodium and also, vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is really high in omega-6 and if you have an imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3, there is going to be an inflammation in your body making you feel sick. 
In addition to that, according to studies, having too much of omega-6 increases the chances of having heart problems. 

Nevertheless, you can definitely have processed food once in a while guys, don't be too hard on yourself. 

6. Eat food that makes you feel full 

High fiber foods for fitness

If you feel hungry frequently, it's probably cause' you're not eating enough or just not enough of the right food. So what you need to do is eating food that keeps you satiated. Consume food that is high in healthy fats and fiber. Avacado, chia seeds, flax seeds and fresh fruits in general will help you with this. Also, try to add coconut oil to your diet. 

7.  Portion control

Portion control for fitness

If you find yourself overeating or under-eating, one good practice that you can follow is to split your portionsand make sure that you have nutrient-rich food in every single meal. This way, you won;t feel hungry or too full. 

8. Do Cardio workouts

Cardio for fitness

There is no one particular type of exercise you need to force yourself to do. There are plenty of exercises you can choose from based on what makes you comfortable. You can go for a run or sweat it out on the treadmill, but HIIT Cardio is my personal favorite because it burns like crazy, not just while exercising, but also after that!

The proper term for the after-burn effect is "Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen consumption" or EPOC.
The more intense your exercise is, the more oxygen your body is going to consume afterwards leading to more calorie burn. It also helps you with lean mass and not lose muscle mass while you're trying to lose weight. 

9. Do some Resistance Training 

Resistance training for fitness

Cardio is not the only way to lose weight. For those of you who are afraid of lifting weights, don't worry you will not bulk up. There's no way you'll bulk up when you're not on a calorie surplus.So, try to lift some weights and it has the EPOC effect too. Some studies claim that it burns up to 38 hours!

10. Tidy Up your Home

Cleaning house for fitness

That definitely was not what you were expecting, I know but I am serious guys. A lot of us are lazy enough to not bother cleaning up our room in the first place, let alone the whole house. 
It actually makes you sweat and feel good!

You don't have to incorporate all of these tips on a single day guys, take it slow and cut yourself some slack once in a while!





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