Abs Workout

 8 minutes Abs + HIIT Cardio Workout

If you want to lose that belly, you gotta do some sort of cardio. This workout routine is an abs based cardio workout that I do regularly. 

There are 8 exercises and I do each exercise for 45 seconds. 
Let's go!

1. Hopping Crunch 

Abs exercise for fitness

Touch your right elbow to your left knee with a little jump by mentally focusing on your abs crunching. Then, do the same thing with your left elbow and right knee. 
Keep continuing this for 45 seconds. 

For low impact, avoid jumping. 

2. Groiner

Groiner exercise for fitness

Get on the floor in a full plank position. Bend your right knee forward next to your right hand. Then, put your right leg back and bend your left leg forward next to your left hand simultaneously. 
Continue these reps for 45 seconds. 

3. High Knee

High knee exercise for fitness

Stand straight and lift your right leg by bending your knee as high as possible. 
Then, put your right leg down and lift your leg leg by bending the left knee as high as possible. 
Continue switching between the right and left legs for 45 seconds.

4. Plank with bunny hop 

Jumping plank for fitness

Start with a full plank position and jump to your right side with both your legs with your hands remaining in the same position. 
Get your legs back to the full plank position and then, jump with both your legs to the left side. 
Come back to the full plank position. Keep switching between right and left sides with a full plank in between for 45 seconds. 

5. Jumping jacks 

Jumping jacks for fitness

Stand straight with your hands by your side. Now, jump and widen your legs above shoulder width with your hands above your head simultaneously. Come back to the starting position with a jump. Repeat this for 45 seconds.

6. Knee Pull 

Knee pull exercise

Start with standing straight and your hands above your head as shown. Now, pull your hands down to your right knee while lifting your right knee simultaneously. 
Come back to the starting position and repeat this with the left knee. 
Keep doing this for 45 seconds.

7. Burpees 

Burpees exercise

Start by standing straight. Then, sit down with your knees bent and your hands on the floor at shoulder width as though you're about to start a race. Jump and put your legs back into a full plank position. 

Now, after holding the full plank position for half a second, go back to bending your knees forward to the race starting position and then, jump to stand straight with your hands above your head. 

Repeat this whole process for 45 seconds. 

8. Mountain Climber 

Start in the full plank position. 
Bring your right knee forward to touch your right hand. Then, put your right leg back and bring your left knee forward touching your left hand simultaneously. Repeat this switch for 45 seconds. 

And you're done! Phew!

You can take a 10-15 seconds break in between each exercise. 

Doing this workout everyday will really help you lose that stubborn belly fat guys. 
Try it out for yourself to see the difference!


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